Chiro Connect

Want better lower back stability and function? Try Chiropractic Care!

Want better lower back stability and function? Try Chiropractic Care!

Lower back pain and dysfunction is one of the most common problems of today’s society, with many different activities causing a breakdown in our bodies. You may not even be aware you are at risk of low back pain, as early muscle and joint dysfunction with poor body-brain-body communication can happen in the absence of pain!! Read on to find out more...

Want better Brain Function? Try Chiropractic Care!

Want better Brain Function? Try Chiropractic Care!

There’s now solid evidence that adjusting the spine changes brain function. This is the fourth time that the effect of adjusting the spine has on the brain has been studied. This last time it was studied and confirmed by an independent medical researcher. The latest study suggests that the changes that we do see in the brain when we adjust the spine do occur in the prefrontal cortex. The study showed a change in brain function by almost 20% on average.